Operational techniques capsicum and bike patrol
Tuesday 15.06.21 at 15.00… let the party begin!
In Loano, despite the infernal heat Mauro, Andrea and Alberto supervised and trained by the master, Michele FARINETTI Safety Operator and Trainer.
SIPL Professor since 2009 in Operational Techniques and Defensive Aids. National Technical Director Krav Maga IDS. Consultant for FF.OO and FF.AA., decide to increase and sometimes question the operating techniques known until now in order to optimize and make essential the bike patrol service! The afternoon is divided into three macro phases in which the master is dedicated to basic and extremely effective teachings. The first phase, techniques of immobilization with the bike and on foot.
The instructors of the Italian Cycling Patrol Academy together with the trainer Michele Farinetti have validated some operational techniques of the capsicum through the use of the bicycle
The second, disarmament and immobilization of armed subject while the third on the use, in the most effective way, of the capsicum device.
The pepper spray, while constituting a valid tool for defense, however, requires specific training to be used. Its effects, we repeat just for information, non-toxic and not permanent but still strongly irritant mucous membranes of the eye, nose, throat and lungs.

one of our instructors say ….
Being an instructor does not mean being omniscient. You never stop learning and improving ….
They also activate the production of mucus from the nose and a strong cough.
They cause the involuntary and sudden closing of the eyes with consequent temporary blindness that derives from it (even if they open the eyes it is not possible to see anything since the capillaries of these are dilated)as well as a burning sensation in areas affected by respiratory difficulties.It is therefore necessary that the operators, knowing the effects, are able to use the tool (in this case the tools have used inert product cylinders, created specifically for training and kindly provided by MAD MAX) in safety and with maximum effectiveness.
At the end of the training session, exhausted by the techniques and by the deadly heat, the three instructors of Aipib and Master Farinetti agreed that it was necessary a cold and refreshing beer!!!
Instructor Alberto Stoppino