Il corso della Polizia Locale di Loano e Savona raccontato Ass. Polizia Locale Roberta De Andreis (Borlo) english versionEd eccoci qua, il lunedì mattina ad affrontare il corso di Bike Patrol (pattuglia in bicicletta) della AIPIB (Accademia italiana pattuglia in...
The course Bike Patrol Local Police of Loano and Savona
The course Bike Patrol Local Police of Loano and Savona
The course of Local Police of Loano e Savona told Ass. Local Police Roberta De Andreis (Borlo)
And here we are, on Monday morning to take the course of Bike Patrol (bike patrol) of the AIPIB (Italian Academy bike patrol). We are five colleagues of the police headquarters of Loano together with eight colleagues of Savona and two instructors (Mauro and Alberto).
The main point at the beginning of the course is that we all know how to ride a bike, so the question naturally arises: “what we are doing here?”. A few minutes later and after the presentation rite which follows the introduction to the course, we understand that the course is something else. The course will last 30 hours divided into 5 days, we will deal with a theoretical part in the classroom and a practice on a circuit set up outdoors….
Now we can begin
After the appropriate training, the bicycle becomes an indispensable aid in putting into practice the many operating techniques that a local police operator may be in the condition of having to put into effect during the service. The service of Bike Patrol rediscovers the proximity to users who with a self-propelled service was slowly losing. Maybe we were in the same situation, but the course has created harmony among the participants despite not knowing each other before. At the time of giving a repair to the bicycle on duty that needed it or that needed help in the change of an air chamber or a tire, never lacked the help of those who knew a little more. Personally I am very pleased to have had the opportunity to participate and I wait as soon as possible to perform the first Bike Patrol service.
taken from the article
At my “I will never succeed” Mauro makes me understand that it is not so. It is not easy, either for an age speech, or for poor training and/ or little practice in the use of the bicycle, but it is enough to follow the profuse teachings, put will and commitment, and I realize that the instructor is right!!!
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